Ever since the age of twelve, I aspired to be an author. Writing stories became an escape, a way for my imagination to come alive on the handwritten pages of steno pads, notebooks and journals. A closet writer for many years due to my 7th grade teacher humiliating me in class by calling my book of poems plagiarized, when it came to sharing my writing, a cloud of self-doubt would follow that it wasn’t worthy or good enough; so it would stay buried, deep within a drawer, a satchel, or just locked up in my mind. An extrovert by nature, slowly but surely my love of writing seeped into homemade greeting cards, personalized poems for friends, song lyrics and of course, lots of stories. After many years, I’ve finally been able to embrace my purpose. What God has placed on your heart, no one can take away. My desire is to inspire others to keep the faith and follow their dreams through writing workshops, women’s conferences, and as a writing coach, ghost writer and consultant. I’m also available as an inspirational speaker to help others release the damage from the past and walk boldly into their destiny. Thank you for your support